Things Self-Absorbed People Do That Bug Everyone Around Them


We all know that one person who seems to exist in their own little bubble. You know, the one who always makes every conversation about them and rarely bothers to ask how you’re doing. Here are some classic moves of the self-absorbed and why they drive the rest of us a little batty.

1. It’s All About Me, Me, Me.

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Every story, every experience, somehow magically circles back to them. They’re masters at one-upping others and turning even the most mundane conversations into an opportunity to brag. Honestly, sometimes it’s like they forget other people have lives too. It’s a wonder they don’t get tired of talking about themselves! They’re seriously lacking in emotional intelligence, that’s for sure.

2. The World Revolves Around Them.

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Self-absorbed folks have a hard time understanding that everyone doesn’t think or feel the same as they do. They often lack empathy and the ability to see things from another’s perspective. It’s easy for them to believe their needs and wants are always the priority. They require a reminder of how the planets in the solar system actually work.

3. They Hear, But They’re Not Really Listening.

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They might nod and smile, but chances are they’re not really paying attention. They’re just waiting for a break in the conversation so they can steer it back to their favorite topic – themselves! It’s like your words are just background noise until they get their next turn to speak. It can make you feel invisible sometimes.

4. They’re All About the Humble Brag.

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They’ve got a sneaky way of bragging while pretending to be self-deprecating. “Ugh, it’s so annoying being this popular,” is a classic example. It’s like, okay, we get it, you’re wonderful. They could give a masterclass on fishing for compliments. At least some people put a little effort into their bragging!

5. They Think They’re Expert Advice Givers.

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No matter your problem, they’ve had it worse, solved it faster, and generally done it all way better than you ever could. Their advice is often unsolicited and borders on condescending. They want the credit for fixing everything, even if their “solution” wouldn’t help a goldfish with a headache. A little humility would make their advice a lot more useful!

6. They Always Bring The Conversation Back To Themselves.

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They get upset or offended easily, especially if they don’t feel like they’re getting enough attention. Your emotions? Those often take a back seat to their dramatic needs. Honestly, sometimes you wonder if they even realize other people have feelings at all. It’d be revolutionary if they just practiced a bit of emotional awareness.

7. Their Apologies Are Rarely Genuine.

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Even when they’re clearly in the wrong, a genuine apology is difficult to come by. Their version of “sorry” frequently includes a “but” and shifts the blame right back to you. Sometimes it’s best to not even expect an apology; it seems like a foreign language to them. Taking accountability? Seriously overrated – at least in their world.

8. They Never Remember the Little Things.

serious woman looking out windowSource: Unsplash

Your birthday? Your recent accomplishment? Those details slip their mind because, honestly, they’re not that important to them unless it directly impacts their world. They could use a little reminder that true friendships involve remembering those key details about the people you care about. It’s not always about starring in their movie.

9. They Have Selective Hearing.

serious woman kneeling on cornerSource: Unsplash

They hear what they want to hear. If you’re offering constructive criticism or trying to set a boundary, don’t expect it to sink in. They’ve got a talent for twisting things to fit their narrative. Forget having a productive conversation or reaching a compromise – that requires them to listen without an agenda.

10. Competition is Their Middle Name.

serious man sitting outsideSource: Unsplash

Your success somehow diminishes theirs. Instead of being happy for you, they’ll find a way to minimize your achievements or make it seem like they’ve done something similar but way better. They don’t seem to understand that your success doesn’t make them any less awesome. Maybe a little cheering for others would go a long way for their sense of self-worth.

11. They Suck the Energy Out of the Room.

blonde woman looking fed upSource: Unsplash

It’s exhausting being around someone who constantly demands attention and validation. Interactions with them are often draining, leaving you feeling unheard and unseen. They’re like conversational black holes – you get sucked in and leave feeling a little depleted. All that focus on themselves leaves little room for any sort of genuine connection.